Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Portraits - Acrylic Blue

Some portrait paintings from August. First month using Acrylics, so I'm keeping it simple, 2 blue tones and white allow for fast results. 30 mins a piece!

Plant Themes

Recent works in acrylics and watercolors. Previous work has been photo or still-life based, so it's about time to start diggin for something new. Nature inspires me a lot, so plants, trees, flowers and whatnot are going to play a big role in future works.

After watching Youtube videos on watercolors, was able to squeeze a little texture out of this one...

First Post!

Spent a few years studying Graphic design and Advertising, now looking to do some soul searching with Illustration.

Here are some recent doodles using Ipad ProSketch software. Growing creativity and improving my skills as an artist are my main focuses. 

Bugs and Women seem to make up most of my sketchbook these days..