Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pixel Collision

If cubes become the focus for the next batch of work, light is going to play an integral role in bringing the piece to life.

A4 - Wood / Acrylics

Cubes themselves are simple to sketch, but ultimately boring without attention to lighting.

A4 - Wood / Acrylics
Harshly illuminating one area created some interesting ideas.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Time's Up!

Like any piece, you've got to know when to stick a fork in it.. Now is that time.

A3 - Wood / Acrylics / Pencils

Running out of steam usually leads me to rush, economize and make mistakes. It was excellent motivation to focus on one of the greatest men of our time, and again when my skills up to par, I'll be back for another bite of the apple.

Little known facts about Brian Blessed
  • He is one of the few men to box with the Dalai Lama.
  • Would've been the oldest man to climb Everest but returned just a short distance from the summit to save a hiker.
  • Blessed provides sanctuary for more than a thousand birds and animals at his home.

Some Inking

Just skipping through a few pages of Doug Tennapels "Iron West" had me itching to pick up the pencil and brush.

Simple strokes and individuality of each character are truly inspirational. 

I'd realized after a few minutes how fun inking was. Crazy as it sounds I don't think I'd ever attempted inking and thought it a waste of time.

Tennapel mentioned in an interview that pencils are mearly a guide. Drawings take flight when inked... Bang on the money!

Acrylic Pixels

A4 - Acrylics

Tonal Testing

Working with pastel green allowed for some accurate textures. Although I couldn't quite get what I was looking for, think I might've screwed up with the sketch in the first place.

Tetris Pixelation

Applying Tetris inspired work to portraits was much more difficult that anticipated.

I missed a good chunk of drawing in perspective classes as a youngster and it shows.

Although I would like to look into robotic anatomy more thoroughly in the near future, at this point I'm going simply. Super simple, until competent with geometric shapes.