Sunday, March 31, 2013


Really enjoyed working with yellow this week. It's spring already, so only seemed right to go with something more vibrant.

Using wet on wet is a pretty standard technique with acrylics. and I was stunned at how much more fun  it was. Especially the hair looks fluffier and lighter.

This month will be the Sekkaido competition, and this year I'm looking to stun.

Watch this space.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Testing the water

My wife is pretty awesome, but I've never been able to capture her character in my work.

Layering thin films of acrylics might have been the wrong choice. Its's safer but the final result isn't satisfying.

Think the next portrait see a return of thick acrylics. Safe isn't getting results.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Thinking of crossing the CandyLand concept in with the PlanetPeel... Or simply - I love Candy and this is a great opportunity to buy bundles for "reference".

CherryPop comes straight from "Adventure Time".

LolliPops are a simple way in. The shape is quite simple, but the folds in the wrapping will blend nicely with PlanetPeel ideas.

I really should press down harder, but the paper is almost transparent.

Speed Acrylics

Not happy with the actual result, but the main thing is to learn and take forward. originally I was thinking the composition with the sketch wasn't too bad.

Looking back, the eyes could've been better. Symmetry is once again the monkey in my soup.

Jigsaw Concepts

Mocking up some ideas for the childrens book.

The story is about 60% complete.

Cherry Pop probably won't make the cut.

Adventure Time with Finn and Jake has been eating so much of my time recently. It's pretty fantastic.

Peel back!

After a few weeks hiatus, peel time!

I've no idea where the planet peel concept might go, but looking back at older works, it still feels like some of my best work.

Just a few doodles to set off the acrylics later next week.


The Shiva painting a few weeks back pulled me out of a slump I'd been in for a while. It only seemed right to take another shot at her, but on a larger canvas.

The composition is a little off, but hey, the eyes came out pretty well.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Jigsaw concept

Pizza last night had me feeling guiltier than usual.. Let's see what we can do with that greasy box!

Using the card as a template allowed for plenty of mock ups of the jigsaw character. 

Working with shading to create a more vivid environment.

Keeping in mind the idea of a childrens story book, at this point keeping it simple is best. Flesh out the story or theme, then build the environment to fit this lil guy.

Red! (and yellow)

Again couldn't resist the red tube! 

Working with the Bugs-Eye-View idea in mind, having some sharp colors to break up the thick grass or woody look is important. Lego figures, M&M's and fruits are simple to get hold of and make for great still life studies. A good chance to work on my perspective and color understandings.


A lonely tube of pink acrylic had been lying the apartment for months, needing a good home.


Pretty happy with the result ")

Saturday, March 2, 2013


2 hour portrait sketch.

Really love the cheek bone definition on this painting. Using a light acrylic and layering from light to dark seems to be working for me.

The underlaying texture and natural pattern of the wood underneath the painting are perfect for skin tones.