Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sekaido Sketching - Ideas

3d pixel deterioration. Just some preliminary ideas.

Deteriorating visuals like this should be easy, but I've been struggling a bit.

Undercomplication is where I'm at currently, knowing that complex isn't really my forte - looking to experiment a little more before going to board.

Sekaido Slices - Drafts

I'm a little slow on the off take this year but a one month deadline on the annual Sekaido comp means  it's crunch time.

Just some sketching and acrylin to see what's good.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Speed Pupping

Couldn't resist this little guy.

Pups always prove a challenge for me so putting 90 mins on this little guy seemed the best bet. 


Found this piece from 2 years back whilst moving apartments - Not my fav but it's always good to look back.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Few more cells

Getting there.

Slicing and Dicing

Settled on a theme, time to get pencil to pad.

After a bit of experimenting with grids, dabbled with the sliding pixels.

Cubes add depth to the work - previous attempts pixelating visuals into 2d didn't work out. 

Maybe it's getting a little muddled, but dripping and drooling is gonna add to that floating effect.