Monday, May 26, 2014

Tetris drafts

This week is kinda heavy work wise - takin a few tubes of paint and piece of board with me is all I got.

Thinking that having a few blocks on the ground would be the best way to merge the real with the unreal.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sekaido - day 2

Not a huge leap but getting that initial perspective is always rough.
Using a guideline would be much simpler but I'm not looking for geometrically accurate drawings (cos where's the fun in that?).

Working outwards should be plain sailing from here but I really gotto get those paints down.

Immigration Foliage

Spending a few hours at the Immigration Office in Tokyo gave me more than a few hours to get out the sketchbook and pen.
Nothing mind blowing, but prepping for the foliage on the Sekaido canvas seemed a good idea.

Didn't have time to apply the deterioration concept to each piece, but did get a visa renewal.


Sekaido - day 1

Day one - just laying the foundations. Getting the perspective down was pretty smooth sailing, pixels up next.

Finding a strong foreground visual was pretty tough. Going with the theme of digital dreaming or digital deterioration was always the concept but having a human element always draws the viewers attention.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Ground Up

Trolling the net for BugsEyeView perspective photographs came up blank n so decided to get my hands dirty.

These kinda shots always strike me as perfect landscapes on themselves. 

These close ups are gonna work as foreground perspective initially.

The water droplets make me want to pursue droplets for perspective but we'll see what happens from here.

Fishnets and drippings (and whiskers on kittens)

I'm still failing to capture the essence of deterioration that I was looking for.

Using a dripping effect might complicate what I'm going for but it'll help convey movement.

Contours seem to be the most logical approach, creating a fishnet effect and working outwards.

Some flowers.

Deadlines looming mean I'm going to have to go under cover for the next two weeks and focus on the final canvas.

Friday, May 2, 2014


After falling out of practice last month, decided to pick up where I left off and try salavaging a few pieces.

This one on A3 didn't come out too bad, but with the Sekaido competition looming, it was time to move on to the next project.

Sekaido - Bugs Eye

Missed a trick last year relying on my limited perspective drawing for the final piece. Always been into the concept of small looking up.

Not quite Nic Cgae.

After a long break it was necessary to just fire up the brushes and throw some paint around - resulting in this not quite Nic Cage pose.

Quite happy with the amount of effort I put into this, even when everything was failing (proportions, balance, sanity..) decided to stick it out and walk away with something weird.

Not quite.

Moving into dicing has proven tougher than I thought. The sketch was pretty rough but the result was  worse than that! Decided to remove the dicing and stick with slicing this time.